Sand Tray Therapy
 "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate". Carl Jung

Trauma, PTSD, Depression and Mood Disorders, Grief and Loss, Attachment and Relationship issues, Self Esteem, Transitional and Identity issues. 

Welcome to the transformative world of Sand Tray Therapy, where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the subconscious finds its voice through the artistry of sand. In this sacred space, grains of sand hold the power to unlock deep-seated emotions, memories, and inner wisdom, guiding clients on a profound journey of self-discovery and healing.

Imagine a miniature world laid out before you, a blank canvas of sand waiting to be molded and shaped according to your innermost thoughts and feelings. Within this sandbox, you are the creator, the architect of your own narrative, as you select from an array of figurines, symbols, and objects to construct scenes that resonate with your soul.

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